ISCV - Community Update (Updated 9/2/2020 - updates in green)
Jummah Prayer Reopening
Dear Respected Brothers and Sisters of the ISCV Community,
As-salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuh,
In sha Allah this Friday, June 5th, 2020, will be our first Jummah since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to keep our community members safe, we have implemented guidelines for attending the Jummah prayer. Please read these guidelines thoroughly and be prepared when you arrive at the masjid.
Please be aware that not following these guidelines can and will lead to denial of entry into the masjid. No exceptions will be made!
- Men only - The Jummah prayer is Fard for men, and at this time we are only allowing men to come for Jummah. Women and children will not be allowed at this time.
- First come first serve - please arrive early by 1pm! Due to 6 foot distancing in the musallah, space will be MUCH less than normal. Once we have reached capacity, we will have to refuse entry into the masjid. You must be signed in by 1:10pm. After 1:10pm, the doors will be closed, regardless of space.
- Bathrooms - bathrooms will not be accessible. Please come with wudu to the masjid! Bring a bottle of water if you feel that you will need to make wudu.
- Masks - all attendees will be required to bring and wear a mask at all times.
- Shoes - in order to avoid waste, all those who come to Jummah MUST bring a bag to store their own shoes. You will keep your shoes with you in the bag, next to you while in the musallah. There will be no access to the shoe racks.
- Prayer mats - it is required to bring your own prayer mats for the jummah salat. We ask that you place the mat on the ground, and then slowly open the mat in order to prevent the spread of particles.
- Entry and exit - you will be guided by volunteers to specific entry and exit points. Please follow directions and keep your 6 feet of distance from everyone to the best of your ability. Your keyfob will NOT work, so it is best to leave it at home.
- Sign-in - when arriving at the masjid, a volunteer will ask you for your name and phone number. This will serve as your sign-in. This step is mandatory.
- Social distancing - All community members will be required to sit 6 feet apart from one another during the khutbah and during the prayer. No hugging or hand shaking allowed!
- Sunnah prayers - Sunnah prayers will not be allowed in the masjid at this time. Please pray your sunnah prayers at home. Please be respectful of other people's time. Volunteers are responsible for making sure the masjid is closed properly and they cannot do that if people stay past the allotted time.
- Exiting the masjid - after the Jummah salat, please stay seated. We will be dismissing you by rows after the prayer in an orderly fashion. We will call your specific row to be dismissed and leave the masjid.
Jazak Allahu khayran for your cooperation and may Allah subhana wata'aalah keep you and your familes safe, Ameen.
In an effort to provide religious and spiritual programming during these difficult times, Imam Abd’Llah will continue to provide the following services online through Facebook Live:
1.) Spiritual Care for the Quarantined – Weekdays at 6:30 pm
2.) Weekly Lecture Series – Saturdays at 6:30 pm
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused financial hardship for many in the community. Those that are in need of financial help are encouraged to apply for assistance through our Zakat funds. The Zakat application and relevant instructions can be found here.
ISCV Board of Trustees and Imam Abd’Llah
اللهم إنا نعوذ بك من سيئ الأسقام
allahumma innā naʿūdhu bika min sayyiʾul asqām
“O Allah we seek refuge in You from the worst kinds of diseases”
allahumma innā naʿūdhu bika min sayyiʾul asqām
“O Allah we seek refuge in You from the worst kinds of diseases”
Recommendations by the Virginia Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention):
1.) Individuals should stay at home, if possible, to prevent the spread of COVID-19. This is especially important for those over the age of 60 and those that have serious underlying health conditions.
2.) Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
3.) Stay at home when you are sick, except to get medical care.
4.) Avoid close contact with those that are sick.
5.) Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
6.) Cover your cough and sneeze with a tissue.
7.) Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
Additional resources on COVID-19:
1.) Facts about COVID-19
2.) How to protect yourself:
3.) What to do if you are sick:
4.) CDC COVID-19 Website:
5.) Virginia Department of Health Website:
1.) Individuals should stay at home, if possible, to prevent the spread of COVID-19. This is especially important for those over the age of 60 and those that have serious underlying health conditions.
2.) Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
3.) Stay at home when you are sick, except to get medical care.
4.) Avoid close contact with those that are sick.
5.) Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
6.) Cover your cough and sneeze with a tissue.
7.) Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
Additional resources on COVID-19:
1.) Facts about COVID-19
2.) How to protect yourself:
3.) What to do if you are sick:
4.) CDC COVID-19 Website:
5.) Virginia Department of Health Website: